Monday, January 21, 2008


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As I think most of you are already aware...Chad and I discovered a couple of months ago that WE'RE PREGNANT!! :) As I approach the end of my first trimester, I thought I'd back track just a little and use this as a tool to keep all of our friends and family informed on all that is going on in our lives!

Chad and I will be celebrating our 4th anniversary this April. Last summer, we realized everything had been going pretty well--we were really happy and had just bought our first home the year before-- so the idea came to us that maybe, just maybe, we were in a position to start our family. What can I say, the idea alone was thrilling, terrifying, exhausting, exciting and nerve-wracking all wrapped up in one big package. But as I've heard on more than one occasion, nobody ever feels they're ready and once the baby comes along, you can't believe you actually waited so long to start your family!

Fast forward a couple of months later...we were leaving for our Thanksgiving trip to Alabama and I was so tired! Not my usual "sure, I could take a nap" tired...more like "did someone slip me some extra strength nyquil when I wasn't looking" tired! After my second nap in the car, we stopped for lunch and I had an odd wave of nausea roll over me. "Of course!", I thought, " Just my luck coming down with something right as I'm leaving the state for five days!"

I did begin to feel better and didn't think much else of it. Then as we were set to head back to Texas on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Chad mentioned the idea of taking a pregnancy test. It was funny I thought because it had been on my mind but I hadn't really shared it with him yet and he didn't know of my symptoms. So we drove around the tiny town of Jackson, AL in search of a test. We got back to our hotel room and wham...that little stick read PREGNANT! We were ecstatic, followed by a brief moment of "uh, what did we get ourselves into?!?!"

Needless to say, the next few days I can only equate to that dreamy feeling where you have a hard time deciphering what is real and what is not. The hardest thing BY FAR was talking to my mom on the phone and not being able to share the news just yet. On December 12th, Chad and I were seen by my OB/GYN and we had an ultra sound taken. I was exactly 6 weeks along. On the screen we got to see what was at that time "Our little lentil bean!" Now at 12 weeks, he or she has graduated to plum status! I'm anxious to see what comes next! :)

I have another ultra sound on Wednesday. I hope to have a picture scanned and posted by then. See you soon!


Unknown said...

OMG...I am still so excited for you guys! I can't believe yall are pregnant...and the best part is you get the first great grand baby! :) I am so glad you opened this blog to keep everyone up to date! Congrats again!

Unknown said...


Jackie/Jason said...

That is so awesome. I must say that is the cutest little foot I have ever seen! Congratulations, I can not wait to meet my new cousin! Oh and by the way, I have been researching baby names, I am really digging Billy Jean. Just something to consider!! Love you Kel ;)

Blair Hiett said...

I know all about the tiredness...We were at dinner in Las Vegas last week (a vacation planned long before we had thoughts of baby) and Brian had to take me back to our hotel room because I kept falling asleep at dinner! Hopefully the exhaustion will go away in the second trimester. Congrats!!!

jollymathteacher said...

I am so excited for you two. I know you will be fabulous parents because you have great examples to follow in your own parents. Keep taking care of each other, and your precious gift from God will be here before you know it. Enjoy what sleep you can get. Love ya'll!